VIÑA DEL MAR, CHILE, July 24th - 28th, 2023


VIÑA DEL MAR, CHILE, July 24th - 28th, 2023



X International Conference

of Life Cycle Assessment in Latin America

Solutions to regional challenges, supporting global sustainability trends with a life-cycle approach.

July 24th - 28th, 2023 REGISTRATION


¿What is CILCA?

CILCA is a conference that takes place every two years in different Latin American countries bringing together experts and stakeholders on Life Cycle Analysis from all over the world. The first conference was held in 2005 in San José, Costa Rica and from there it has followed a successful tour to Sao Paulo (Brazil) in 2007, Pucón (Chile) in 2009, Coatzacoalcos (Mexico) in 2011, Mendoza (Argentina) in 2013, Lima (Peru) in 2015, Medellín (Colombia) in 2017, Cartago (Costa Rica) in 2019 and the last one in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 2021.

See the promocional video of the next place here.



Important dates

Important dates

The most relevant dates and deadlines for CILCA2023 are presented below. In addition, you can save the event in the button “add to my calendar”.

  • October 1st, 2022

    Call for abstract submission

  • February 7th, 2023

    Deadline for abstract submission

  • March 3rd, 2023

    Notification of acceptance

  • April 1st, 2023

    Deadline for extended abstract submission

  • November 1st, 2022

    Authors registration


24 Jul - 28 Jul 2023


Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Edmundo Muñoz - CHAIR
  • Mg. Claudia Peña - CO-CHAIR
  • Dr. Ana Belén Guerrero - CO-CHAIR
  • Dr. Alfredo Iriarte
  • Mg. Camila López
  • Mg. Carolina Scarinci
  • Dr. Gabriel Cereceda
  • Dr. Juan Pablo Cárdenas
  • Dr. Leonardo Vásquez
  • Dra. Patricia Martínez
  • Mg. Ricardo Rebolledo
  • Mg. Valentina Abello
  • Mg. Ximena Ovalle

Scientific Committee

  • Dr. Alfredo Iriarte (Universidad de Talca, Chile)
  • Mg. Álvaro Bello (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)
  • Dra. Ana Belén Guerrero (Universidad Rafael Landivar, Guatemala)
  • Dra. Ana Nadal (Health Department, ECOSUR, México)
  • Dr. Alejandro Gallegos-Schmid (U. de Manchester, Reino Unido)
  • Dra. Bárbara Civit (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina)
  • Mg. Camila López (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)
  • Mg. Carolina Scarinci (Consultora indepenpendiente, Chile)
  • Mg. Claudia Peña (HUB Latin America of the International EPD® System, Chile)
  • Dr. Edmundo Muñoz (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)
  • Dra. Elizabeth Garrido (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)
  • Dr. Gabriel Cereceda (Universidad del Bío Bío, Chile)
  • Dra. Isabel Quispe (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú)
  • Dr. Ian Vázquez (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú)
  • Dr. Iván Franchi (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)
  • Dr. Joan Rieradevall (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España)
  • Dr. Juan Pablo Cárdenas (Universidad de la Frontera, Chile)
  • Dr. Leonardo Vásquez (Universidad de Talca, Chile)
  • Dra. Natalia Cano (Universidad de Ghent, Bélgica)
  • Dra. Nydia Supen Reynaga (HUB Latin America of the International EPD® System, México)
  • Dr. Pablo Arenas (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina)
  • Dra. Patricia Martínez (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
  • Dra. Leonor Güereca (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México)
  • Dr. Patricio Newman (Universidad del Bío Bío, Chile)
  • Mg. Pía Wiche (Ecoed, Chile)
  • Dr. Ramzy Kahhat (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú)
  • Mg. Ricardo Rebolledo (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España)
  • Dr. Robert Reinhart (UNEP)
  • M.Sc. Sara Russo Garrido (International Reference Center for Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable Transition, Canadá)
  • Dra. Sara González-García (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España)
  • Dra. Sonia Valdivia (World Resources Forum, Suiza)
  • Sonia Chapman (Rede Empresarial de Brasil, Brasil)
  • Mg. Valentina Abello (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)
  • Mg. Ximena Ovalle (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)
  • Dr. Xavier Gabarrell (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España)

Local Committee

Sponsors and organizers


We would like to thank and introduce our sponsors and sponsors of CILCA 2023. Want to be a sponsor? Contact us at [email protected]




Viña del Mar, Chile


    The Wulff Castle is a building located on the waterfront of the city of Viña del Mar on Avenida La Marina 37, between the Marga Marga estuary and the Caleta Abarca beach. Since 2005 it has housed the headquarters of the Heritage Unit of the Municipality of Viña del Mar. It was built between 1905 and 1906, being modified in 1920 and 1946. On September 20th, 1995 it was declared a “National Historic Monument” by the Ministry of Education.


    The Quinta Vergara is a park where the Vergara Palace is located, with its gardens, and the amphitheater where the Viña del Mar International Song Festival is held annually. Admission is free and it is undoubtedly a tourist attraction worth visiting. The Vergara Palace was completed in 1910 and was the mansion of the Vergara Errázuriz, an illustrious family of Viña del Mar, descendants of Francisco Vergara. Important political, musical and social gatherings of the time were held in this mansion.


    El Reloj de las Flores es una postal obligada de la ciudad. Cuenta la leyenda que aquellos que se fotografíen con el reloj de flores volverán a la ciudad. Inaugurado el 15 de mayo de 1962, lo que motivó su construcción fue el mundial de fútbol que ese año se celebró en nuestro país. Su maquinaria ha sido sustituida de ser mecánica a actualmente ser manejada por computador, lo que permite que se adapte mejor a los tiempos.


    Just above the Flower Clock you will find the Castillo Hill, where you will find a viewpoint that will allow you to get a beautiful panoramic view of the coast. On this hill you will also find the beautiful presidential palace, used as a resting place for the presidents and of special importance as a center of operations, taking into consideration that the legislative power in Chile meets in the city of Valparaiso.


CILCA's History

CILCA provides a space for the sharing ideas and experiences related to the application and promotion of life cycle analysis and its associated tools in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. This geographical region is one of the richest places in the world in terms of natural resources, biodiversity and forests. This scenario allows actively using methodological tools and commercial mechanisms related to sustainable consumption and production. This event is of utmost importance for the economic development of the region, considering that life cycle analysis supports in the design of more sustainable standards and decision processes in all types of organizations.

Target audience:
Practitioners of life cycle thinking at different levels. It is expected the participation of universities, research centers, non-governmental organizations, government representatives and companies in the industrial sectors interested in the inclusion of these methodologies in their organizations.



Register now and be part of the most important sustainability event in Latin America, and one of the most prestigious in the world. (1)

(1) Estimated exchange rate of $1.000 CLP = 1 USD.

We offer five scholarships for students (undergrade or postgrade) who has an accepted contribution (oral or poster format). More information can be found here.


(UNTIL 30/05/2023)
  • $250.000

  • 1 DAY



  • $350.000

  • 1 DAY



  • $120.000

  • 1 DAY


CILCA in Social Networks



Papers can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese, or English, to be presented in oral or poster presentation format. Please use the template provided in this section. To submit a paper, click here.

News!! The best works presented in CILCA 2023 will be part of a Special Issue of the Journal of Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy. Further information soon.


  • Life cycle assessment (LCA)
  • Life cycle managment
  • LCA in business strategies
  • LCA in public policy and regulation
  • New developments and/or trends in LCA


Life cycle analysis (LCA)
1. LCA studies

  • Sectorial case studies
  • Regional case studies (generic/specific)
  • Modeling for particular purposes
  • Methodological developments

2. Environmental impact models
3. Databases
4. Input-Output LCA
5. Global LCA
6. Organization LCA
7. Environmental footprints
8. Life cycle costs
9. Social LCA

Life cycle managment
1. Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis
2. Ecodesigne
3. Waste management
4. Territorial management
5. Resources management
6. Ecology/Industrial Symbiosis
7. Material flow analysis
8. Other life cycle methodologies used in management
9. Post-COP 27 lifestyles
10 Apps with life cycle approach
LCA in business strategies
1. Communication and stakeholder involvement

  • Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), eco-labeling, Product category rules (PCR)
  • Green purchasing
  • Sustainable consumption and production

2. Circular economy (CE)

  • Circular strategies
  • Circularity measurement and analysis
  • Cases of CE and LCA programs
LCA in public policy and regulation
1. LCA & Sustainable development goals (SDG)
2. Corporate social responsibility policies
3. Development policies and promotion of sustainable products in the country/region.
4. Resource management policies
5. Climate change commitments
6. Green public procurement
New developments and/or trends in LCA
1. Environmental, social and governance (ESG)
2. Sustainable Finance
3. Ecoinnovation
4. Cities and mobility
5. Digitalization and Industry 4.0
6. Education and communication


  • What is CILCA?

    CILCA is a conference that takes place every two years in different Latin American countries bringing together experts and stakeholders on Life Cycle Analysis from all over the world. The first conference was held in 2005 in San José, Costa Rica and from there it has followed a successful tour to Sao Paulo (Brazil) in 2007, Pucón (Chile) in 2009, Coatzacoalcos (Mexico) in 2011, Mendoza (Argentina) in 2013, Lima (Peru) in 2015, Medellín (Colombia) in 2017, Cartago (Costa Rica) in 2019 and the last one in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 2021.

  • How can I collaborate with Cilca?

    Contact us at [email protected]

  • What about my submitted paper?

    If you have any doubts with your paper, you can follow its progress at

    You can also consult write to [email protected] indicating name and author of the paper.

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